​On a warm summer's eve, I, along with lyricist, David Zippel, executive producer, Chris Montan, the film's producer, Pam Coats and directors Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook gathered at The Record Plant in L.A. to record "True To Your Heart" with Stevie Wonder and 98 Degrees.

We had no idea the extent to which Stevie was going to contribute to the recording till the very evening of his arrival. We arrived and prepared that afternoon, then… waited. Time crept by… Eventually, one of Stevie's assistants came in and set up a keyboard. I remember looking at my colleagues smiling and saying, "Well, that's a good sign. At least we know he'll be playing keyboards". We all laughed.

I was about to meet one of my heroes. Point of fact… I was about to produce! one of my idols. I was nervous… excited… nervous. And then, finally,later that evening, one of the runners alerts us that Mr Wonder has just pulled up in front of the Plant. I walk out into the hall in time to see Stevie, escorted by his brother Milton, enter the studio, dressed in a floor length dashiki, lit by the overhead floodlights, he floats like an African God down the long, long hallway to our room all the way in the back, SSL 4.

We were introduced. Milton whispers something in Stevie's ear. Stevie grabs my arm and says, "I didn't know you are the guy who sang…" and then he begins to sing… "Ain't nothin' gonna' break my stride, ain't nothin' gonna' slow me down…"

Well… I could go on… and maybe some day I'll tell you the rest…
In the meantime, press those buttons on your left and have a listen to the master blow harmonica between takes of recording "True To Your Heart".

Press play and listen to Stevie Wonder play harmonica between the takes of recording "True To Your Heart".
Stevie Wonder, Executive Music Producer, Chris Montan, Mulan Film Producer, Pam Coats