Matthew's journey from street musician in Greenwich Village to recording his first album in LA
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Washington Square Park. Playing for change.

Washington Square Park

Washington Square Park. Playing for change.
New York City, 1968-1971
His junior and senior year at New Lincoln High School, together with fellow musician, Peter Darmi, Matthew & Peter begin playing the local clubs (The Bitter End, Cafe Wha, The Village Gaslight) and "busking" in Washington Square Park, Greenwich Village.

Hoyt-Schermerhorn Subway Stop

Hoyt-Schermerhorn Subway Stop
Pratt Institute, 1972
Having graduated from New Lincoln in '71, Matthew enrolls in the fine art program at Pratt Institute that fall. He continues to perform with Peter in the streets and clubs throughout his first semester at Pratt.

Under The Arch

Performing at "Salt", Newport, RI

A&M Studios-Studio A

Under The Arch
Matthew & Peter
Record the album
"Under The Arch", 1972
In the spring of '72, while playing under the arch in Washington Square, Matthew & Peter were discovered by a prominent producer and signed to their first album deal. They are flown to Los Angeles to record their album in six days at A&M Recording Studio A. Their backing band is comprised of famed bassist for Joni Mitchell, Max Bennett, producer and guitarist for Seals and Crofts, Louie Shelton, the infamous drummer for Derek and the Dominoes and George Harrison, Jim Gordon and finally, the new kid in town, guitarist Dean Parks.

New York. Saturday Night Live.

New York. Saturday Night Live.
Matthew Wilder, 1978-1986

In 1978, Matthew moves to Los Angeles to pursue a solo career.

He tours as an opening act for Seals and Crofts and meets Rickie Lee Jones. Sings on Rickie Lee's "Chuck E's In Love" and sings background vocals with Arno Lucas and Leslie Smith on Saturday Night Live.
In 1980, Matthew is signed as a solo artist by Clive Davis to Arista Records where he will spend the next two years having only one single released, "Work So Hard". In 1982, a final attempt is made to motivate the label for a stronger commitment, Wilder, along with his production team, records several new tracks, one of which is "Break My Stride" without any label support. The team records the song during the "grave yard shift" at Pasha Studios.

Christmas of '82, Matthew learns that Arista isn't persuaded by "Stride" and decides to leave the label.

Six months later, having signed with Private I/Epic Records, the label releases "Break My Stride" as the first single from the album, "I Don't Speak The Language" and becomes a Top 5 world-wide hit.

In 1986, Matthew will follow up with the album, "Bouncing Off The Walls".